Use Our Simple NZ GST Calculator

Enter Price Below

GST: $0
Non GST: $
GST Inclusive Results
GST Exclusive Results
GST Content Results

Not sure how to use our GST calculator? Here’s what you need to do:

  • If you know the GST exclusive price but want to find the GST inclusive price and/or GST content (i.e. how many dollars of GST) then enter the price in the top box ‘What’s Your GST Exclusive Price’ and click ‘ADD GST’.
    • For example, you’ve been given a quote that has an ‘ex GST’ price and you want to know the total cost you’ll need to pay.
  • If you know the GST inclusive price and want to know the GST exclusive price and/or GST content (i.e. how many dollars of that total price constitute the GST) enter the price in the second box ‘What’s Your GST Inclusive Price’ and click ‘FIND GST’.
  • If you know how many dollars of GST you are paying but want to calculate the GST exclusive and inclusive price based on that (i.e. the total cost of the purchase) then use the ‘What’s Your GST Content’ box and click ‘GST Price’.